Thanks for your reply, James!

> Parameterized queries  in general let you replace any data value
> (and not metadata).  For instance, you can replace a column value, but
> not a column name.  Using that as a guide, I'm a little suprised that
>         ATTACH DATABASE ? AS ?
> works, because the second parameter is metadata.

To be honest, by 'works' I currently mean "The statement prepares
alright, I can bind both parameters and execute it without ever being
presented with anything but SQLITE_OK or SQLITE_DONE". I have not
actually yet checked if the database was attached using the bound
name, so it might just have been attached with a name of '?'. I'll
check ASAP.

As for my second question (Attaching the same file multiple times
under different names), I found the answer in the documentation for
the DETACH statement[0].
It might be useful to also include that fact in the ATTACH documentation :)

Thanks for your time!



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