On 2015-09-18 06:23 PM, Luuk wrote:
> On 18-09-15 17:54, R.Smith wrote:
>> As an aside, you know you can already do this via a Google API right? 
>> That is, you can find a GPS location for an address or approximate 
>> address (city & postal code will do). Usually, if the address is not 
>> specific, the nearest road intersection GPS is given or indeed 4 GPS 
>> points that denotes the bounding box encircling the area.
>> The country is not needed unless the city and postal code combination 
>> is ambiguous... so safer to add.
>> You can do the reverse too, supply a GPS and obtain an address or 
>> approximate address where ambiguous.
>> As long as you hit less than 1,000 requests per day, the service is 
>> free.
>> Results are returned usually in under 2 seconds in nice full XML or 
>> JSON.
>> Here's an example using my postal detail - one XML and one JSON:
>> https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?address=Midrand+1684+South+Africa&language=en
>> https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=Midrand+1684+South+Africa&language=en
> This does not work in the Neterlands, because from the postcode only 
> the digits are returned
> i.e. the address of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam
> https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?address=Museumstraat 
> 1 Amersdam Nederland&language=en
> postcode is returned as '1071', which should be '1071 XX'

Funny you should mention that, I actually solved this exact problem for 
a friend in the Netherlands some time ago, it involves querying twice 
though. Once to get the approximate address to a GPS, and anoter time to 
give the GPS and read the now-correct full address spec (even if still 
approximate, it supplies the full code).

Try it.

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