Yes we are aware of the Google API. Our business is GPS and GIS traffic data so 
we have actually built a lot of the infrastructure ourselves. We have our own 
map server running OpenStreetMap, a routing server and database allowing us to 
do the same queries as you mention. Its actually a lot quicker than two seconds 
in the UK.

Google is great until you want start hitting their limits which aren?t that 
high for us (in our opinion) and then they want that scarce commodity, money, 
hence we build our own stuff. Our business model wants a lot of clients, so its 
cheaper to do our own. 


> On 18 Sep 2015, at 16:54, R.Smith <rsmith at> wrote:
> On 2015-09-18 08:17 AM, Rob Willett wrote:
>> What we wanted was a postcode to GPS lookup, it was not to pinpoint a house, 
>> you would need a little more information to be that specific, e.,g. house 
>> number or a name, but to get to a general area that has a central GPS point.
> As an aside, you know you can already do this via a Google API right? That 
> is, you can find a GPS location for an address or approximate address (city & 
> postal code will do). Usually, if the address is not specific, the nearest 
> road intersection GPS is given or indeed 4 GPS points that denotes the 
> bounding box encircling the area.
> The country is not needed unless the city and postal code combination is 
> ambiguous... so safer to add.
> You can do the reverse too, supply a GPS and obtain an address or approximate 
> address where ambiguous.
> As long as you hit less than 1,000 requests per day, the service is free.
> Results are returned usually in under 2 seconds in nice full XML or JSON.
> Here's an example using my postal detail - one XML and one JSON:
> (Might be less effort for you to just piggy-back off this until your system 
> becomes very adopted).
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