Here is still a follow up of last weeks discussion "Worked in 3.8.9  
but no longer in .." which is about the following case:
a large table includes a datetime field. From the points in time one  
wants to report time intervals (from - to).
The datetime field is indexed.
The fastest solution that was proposed involves the creation of a temp  

Na?vely I searched a faster solution that should just do a single scan  
of the existing index on datetime. And to report intervals this  
somehow needs to access the result of two rows at the time, say the  
current row and the previous row.
Assuming the execution plan is as expected, this can be achieved with  
a sort of global variable. That is to be set at each row and hold the  
point in time and recalled at the next row to report it as the from  
An SQL function is required then to set and get the value. I had a  
look at sqlite3_mprintf and this comes close if it would write the  
string in some global variable.
Based on that I created function mprint() as limited version of  
mprintf. It accepts no format, only a value parameter. Furthermore, if  
called with no parameter at all, it returns the last printed value.

The query is now:

.load mprint
CREATE TABLE securities(calc_date);
INSERT INTO securities(calc_date)
   SELECT datetime(2440587.5 + ((x*123456789012345)%16700000)/1000.0)  
CREATE INDEX securities_calcdate ON securities(calc_date);

select mprint() as calc_date0, --previous value
      mprint(calc_date) as tmw --new value
from (select mprint(''))--initial value
join securities
group by calc_date
having strftime('%w',calc_date)<>'0'

and the result is as expected and comes almost twice as fast.

Possibly I am a bit flattered by this result,
Is a function like this of any gene     ral use?
Should I mail the extension source?


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