On 5/6/16, Simon Slavin <slavins at bigfraud.org> wrote:
> Believe it or not, the fastest way to synchronise the databases is not to
> synchronise the databases.  Instead you keep a log of the instructions used
> to modify the database.

Or, this might be an even better solution.  Note that the
sqlite3_trace() function (see
https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/profile.html) can help here.

A third solution would be to use the session extension, which will be
merged to trunk on the next release.  See
https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/profile.html for details.  One advantage
of using the session extension is that it will work even if the two
database files are not identical at the onset.  A disadvantage is that
the session extension only works with rowid tables, not WITHOUT ROWID

D. Richard Hipp
drh at sqlite.org

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