Doesn't this eliminate the use of prepared statements?

On 5/6/2016 11:10 AM, Jeffrey Mattox wrote:
> As an aside, this is how Apple syncs Core Data to iCloud (and then to 
> multiple iOS devices) if the backing store uses SQLite (the default).  When a 
> small amount of data changes (which is common), the changes get send out, not 
> the entire (mostly unchanged and potential huge) database.
> Jeff
>> On May 6, 2016, at 7:43 AM, Simon Slavin <slavins at> wrote:
>> Believe it or not, the fastest way to synchronise the databases is not to 
>> synchronise the databases.  Instead you keep a log of the instructions used 
>> to modify the database.  You might, for example, modify the library that you 
>> use for INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE commands to execute those commands and 
>> also save the command to another 'commandLog' table
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