On 6/17/2016 8:21 AM, Rapin Patrick wrote:
Find a generic way to retrieve column names and table name (and then column 
types with above pragma) in a arbitrary single SQL statement for all 
placeholder values.

"INSERT INTO t1(col1, col2) VALUES(2, ?); ยป => (t1, col2)
"UPDATE t2 SET col1=? WHERE col2=? " => (t2, col1) and (t2, col2)
"SELECT * from t1 WHERE col2=?" => (t1, col2)

select * from t1 where col1 = ?1+?2 and col2=?1-?2;

What should be the expected output of your hypothetical generic way for a statement like this?

You seem to assume a one-to-one correspondence between columns and placeholders. This assumption doesn't generally hold.
Igor Tandetnik

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