On 2016/06/29 6:36 AM, Joe Pasquariello wrote:

On 6/28/2016 4:52 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:
On 28 Jun 2016, at 11:22pm, Joe Pasquariello <j...@fenway.com> wrote:

SELECT udatetime,typeof(udatetime),udatetime-1415000934 FROM eventlog where device like '%M14' and udatetime=1415000934
udatetime    typeof(udatetime)    udatetime-1415000934
1415000934    integer    0
PRAGMA integrity_check
row 18029 missing from index sqlite_autoindex_EventLog_1
row 18030 missing from index sqlite_autoindex_EventLog_1
row 18031 missing from index sqlite_autoindex_EventLog_1
row 18032 missing from index sqlite_autoindex_EventLog_1
row 18033 missing from index sqlite_autoindex_EventLog_1
row 18034 missing from index sqlite_autoindex_EventLog_1
row 18035 missing from index sqlite_autoindex_EventLog_1
wrong # of entries in index sqlite_autoindex_EventLog_1

These are the duplicate records. This index is associated with a UNIQUE constraint on the original table. Is there a way to clean it up?

That means your DB is corrupted by some method. It's not bad yet, just missing Index entries. Make a copy of the database file, then try to delete those rows and recreate all indices with:

DELETE FROM eventlog WHERE row_id IN (18029,18030,18031,18032,18033,18034,18035);
PRAGMA integrity_check;

If you do not delete the rows, it can't re-index because the Unique Index constraint will fail since the rows are not unique.

If this worked, test all tables and queries. Be sure to have that backup at hand - once integrity is broken, the DB state is not secure until integrity check passes.

PS: Nice catch Simon - I did not even consider a broken index. I've never had an SQLite file go corrupt on me, even though using many SQLite DBs in all our systems, even as application file formats, so I'm always a bit oblivious to that possibility.

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