On 29 Jun 2016, at 10:17am, R Smith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:

> I know I can write nonsense over the file, but I was hoping to be able to 
> cause specific common corruptions, like Invalid-Schema, Missing Index 
> entries, Missing pages etc. with this command. It need not be fancy, just 
> find the first table that can be corrupted in the DB, and mess with it enough 
> to fail an integrity check, but still work if possible.

Trouble is that whatever checking you develop might spot precisely the fault 
that the simulator introduces but not a slightly different one.  For instance 
if there's something special about the last row in a page it might spot all 
missing rows in the index except if the missing row is the last one on the page.

I prefer your idea of opening the file and randomly overwriting a few bytes.  
Of course some of them will just be values in unindexed fields, so there would 
be no damage SQLite could notice.

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