On 2016/07/06 6:15 PM, John R. Sowden wrote:
Good Morning:

I am a pre-newbie. A few questions. Q1: I am running xubuntu. When I search for sqlite3, lots of things show up. This database engine seems to be very popular, so I assume it is used my many programs on my computer, like Thunderbird. Why, then when I enter sqlite3 at terminal prompt do I get message saying that sqlite3 is not installed on my computer.

The command-line utility is a program like any other, it may or may not be installed on your system, you can easily fix that by downloading from the main site. The DB system itself however should be available via library and sometimes get compiled into whatever program uses it. (The full source is open and available from the main download site too).

Q2: I understand that this is not mariadb, etc. but I am unable to find what specific features are not included in sqlite3. I understand the big time stuff. I am currently using foxpro/dos for my database needs, and it seems that sqlite3 and Pure Basic or Gambas is a good match for me. I need multiple indices, support for about 5000 records, plus some very small ones for validation, etc.

I bet everyone here just smiled at this question....

SQLite is the most widely used SQL RDBMS in existence. It's use-cases and instances both outnumber Maria-DB, PostGres and MSSQL all put together, but that's only because it is so light and can go in anywhere without needing a Server.

It will handle everything you require from a Relational Database System with Transactions and ACID operations, with some specific omissions for sake of being "Lite", such as:
 - User Control (If a user can access the file, they can access the DB),
- Network concurrency (File-based locking does not play nice on Network file systems, reading is fine, but if you need networked update concurrency - use Maria DB in stead), - Stored Procedures (Though Views, Triggers and Common Table Expressions are supported - which is more even than Maria-DB can claim).

In SQL terms, the support is quite full with some specific omissions like:
 - RIGHT OUTER JOIN (because a Left-join can do the same job easily)
 - Windowing functions,

That's about what I can name off-hand. The documentation is very complete (someone already sent the links), but if you find anything there that needs clarification or have any other questions - Just ask, this forum is very supportive and one of SQLite's main points of attraction.

I see this Wiki has a good comparison for most DBs - maybe that will also help answer some questions:


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