On 6 Jul 2016, at 17:15, John R. Sowden wrote:

A few questions. Q1: I am running xubuntu. When I search for sqlite3, lots of things show up. This database engine seems to be very popular, so I assume it is used my many programs on my computer, like Thunderbird. Why, then when I enter sqlite3 at terminal prompt do I get message saying that sqlite3 is not installed on my computer.

  I don't have an xubuntu or Ubuntu system with a screen just now,
  so can't check, but I expect there's a package manager with a
  graphic interface in which you can search for SQLite3 and
  select it for download and installation.

  Otherwise, you can open a terminal window and issue the command

  sudo apt-get install sqlite3

  I hope this helps.

  Best regards,
  Niall O'Reilly

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