Speed improvements based on 64-bit MinGW.

SQLite 3.14.2, built with MinGW 64-bit. - 
gcc -m64 -O2 -DSQLITE_THREADSAFE=0 shell.c sqlite3.c -o sqlite3.exe
gcc -g -shared extension-functions.c -o extension-function.dll
Built with SQLITE options of default

Module SQL Script (146k records)        T1 Sec  T2 Sec  T3 Sec  T4 Sec  Delta   
Delta   Delta
Processing Module 1 of 8: (CTEs)                138     110     92      49      
125%    150%    282%
Processing Module 2 of 8:               26      20      17      14      130%    
153%    186%
Processing Module 3 of 8:               34      28      23      18      121%    
148%    189%
Processing Module 4 of 8:               14      7       6       5       200%    
233%    280%
Processing Module 5 of 8:               9       6       6       4       150%    
150%    225%
Processing Module 6 of 8:               30      14      12      11      214%    
250%    273%
Processing Module 7 of 8: (CTEs)        290     222     212     86      131%    
137%    337%
Processing Module 8 of 8:               14      14      10      10      100%    
140%    140%
Total Processing Time:                  557     424     374     200     131%    
149%    279%

Test 1: 32-Bit 3.13 (sqlite.org), No PRAGMA (Baseline)
Test 2: 32-bit 3.13 (sqlite.org), with PRAGMA but not temp_store = 2;
Test 3: 64 bit 3.14.2 MinGW, with PRAGMA but not temp_store = 2;
Test 4: 64 bit 3.14.2 MinGW, all PRAGMA

PRAGMAs used...
        PRAGMA synchronous = 0;
        PRAGMA read_uncommitted = 1;
        PRAGMA locking_mode = exclusive;
        PRAGMA journal_mode = Off;
        PRAGMA temp_store = 2;

For reference both sets of tests on same machine; Windows 10, i5-3470 3.20GHz, 
12GB RAM and on internal spinning HDD.  There is a slight improvemnt (~5% 
faster) going to SSD but wanted to stay consistent.

I don't plan on testing Cygwin, I am happy with the MinGW results.

Thanks everyone for your help.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rousselot, Richard A
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016 12:20 PM
To: sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org
Cc: Rousselot, Richard A
Subject: Re: [sqlite] 64-bit SQLite3.exe

Speed improvements based on 64-bit Visual Studio build.

SQLite 3.14.0, built with MSVC 18.00.30723 for x64.
Built with VS options /O2 /Ot /Ox.

Module SQL Script (146k records)        T1 Sec  T2 Sec  T3 Sec  T4 Sec  Sp Inc  
Sp Inc  Sp Inc
Processing Module 1 of 8: (CTEs)                138      110    96      56      
125%    144%    246%
Processing Module 2 of 8:               26      20      18      15      130%    
144%    173%
Processing Module 3 of 8:               34      28      26      21      121%    
131%    162%
Processing Module 4 of 8:               14      7       7       6       200%    
200%    233%
Processing Module 5 of 8:               9       6       5       4       150%    
180%    225%
Processing Module 6 of 8:               30      14      13      11      214%    
231%    273%
Processing Module 7 of 8: (CTEs)        290     222     194     100     131%    
149%    290%
Processing Module 8 of 8:               14      14      11      11      100%    
127%    127%
Total Processing Time:                  557     424     372     227     131%    
150%    245%

Test 1: 32-Bit 3.13 (sqlite.org), No PRAGMA (Baseline)
Test 2: 32-bit 3.13 (sqlite.org), with PRAGMA but not temp_store = 2;
Test 3: 64 bit 3.14.0 Visual Studio 18, with PRAGMA but not temp_store = 2;
Test 4: 64 bit 3.14.0 Visual Studio 18, all PRAGMA

PRAGMAs used...
        PRAGMA synchronous = 0;
        PRAGMA read_uncommitted = 1;
        PRAGMA locking_mode = exclusive;
        PRAGMA journal_mode = Off;
        PRAGMA temp_store = 2;

I am still trying to figure out how to make a 64-bit build in MinGW.  There is 
a nice installer for 32-bit but not for 64-bit, go figure.

Hopefully I have the PRAGMAs right.  If there is a better configuration for 
speed, let me know.

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