> On 28/09/2016, at 4:22 AM, Mark Woodward <mark.woodw...@chemringts.com> wrote:
> I've built the JSON1 module as a loadable extension, and this loads fine if I 
> also compile sqlite myself. This is on windows as x86 (32 bit).
> I cannot get any pre built version of sqlite3.dll to load the extension, I 
> get "'error during initialization: '" with no subsequent message. (Tried the 
> sqlite.org binary and Microsoft package).
> The funny thing is that I can compile other extensions in exactly the same 
> way and they load fine, (tried csv).

Might this be due to the JSON1 extension being included and enabled in the DLL? 
I don’t use the DLL, but it looks like JSON1 is in there, based on the presence 
of many instances of “json” or “JSON” in a dump.

If so, your attempt to load the extension is failing because another extension 
of the same name has already been loaded.

The amalgamation (sqlite3.c) includes the JSON1 extension (among others) and 
enables it if built with -DSQLITE_ENABLE_JSON1.

I haven’t spotted documentation on which options are used to build the standard 
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