My hair-pulling continues...

How can I add more conditions in to the final SELECT. I mean I am able to
get the table objetcs:

class Customer(SQLObject):
    class sqlmeta:
        fromDatabase = True
        idName = "CUST_NO"
    sales = MultipleJoin('Sales', joinColumn='CUST_NO')

class Sales(SQLObject):
    class sqlmeta:
        fromDatabase = True
        idName = "PO_NUMBER"
        idType= str

and than:
for cust in'T')):

Which generates:
SELECT ...(ale tables names here).... FROM customer WHERE ((
LIKE ('T%'))

but how can I add more conditions in to the final WHERE clause?
I was trying for example:

for cust in'T') or'Q') ):

But this does not work.

Thanks and regards

Petr Jakes
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