Owen Smith wrote: 
> There's no need to use a freeware uninstaller, LMS has always updated
> fine for me.
> But why do you feel RocketMan3 should upgrade to LMS 7.9? He's clearly a
> non technical user and 7.9 is only available as nightly builds not a
> real release. Unless it has something RocketMan3 actually requires I
> feel he's the kind of user who would be better off running the last
> released build, which is 7.8 (I don't remember which point release).
> He's been on 7.5 for years, so 7.8 should more than fulfill his needs.

It's a forum:confused:

One can say what one wants;)

Don't be the LMS Grinch:p

A challenge in life is good for the soul:D

Rocketman3 is a cool name:cool: (although does appear to suffer from the
Southern Disease, that the world ends north of Watford Gap:))

Have a Merry Christmas.



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