Here I am, also running Debian on amd64. But my machine is running
'testing', the one-step-less-bleeding-edge.

Of course, the same stuff happened. Perl has gotten updated from 5.22 to
5.24 and LMS won't run.

The server.log only says 'LMS died. Restarting.' over and over again.
Starting from the CLI gives me: "The following modules failed to load:
DBI EV XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser JSON::XS Digest::SHA1 YAML::XS
Sub::Name". I tried to use the '' script to get the relevant
modules, but that complains my /usr/bin/perl is not a supported version.
Well, yeah...

I find this 'run your own standalone LMS' a bit daunting, and am willing
to wait a while for LMS to work again. 

Michael (or anyone else), can you give an estimate whether (and if so,
when) support will be added for the new Perl version? (Which is now 5
months old.)

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