wmupchurch wrote: 
> Hi, first let me say thanks to everyone on this forum as I've
> fixed/improved a bunch of stuff by reading all this information. 
> Second, just installed 7.9 with max2play.  Works great!  No on to the
> question.
> OK, I'll just admit it, I can't really understand how do deal with play
> list.  Here's what I'd like to do:
> I'm in a band and we practice multiple times a week.  As we work on
> songs, we record them and I store them in folders.  All I really want to
> do is go to a play list, such as "Current Band Songs", remove a few
> entries and add a few entries (the new songs from the most recent
> practice).  I don't see this as very different than other users wanting
> to add or remove songs. So, open the playlist, then go to my folder with
> the new songs, try to add them to the playlist, delete a few songs and
> save it.  And what I get is some kind of new play list with only the new
> songs.  It's just too complicated  (yeah, I know you can add from the
> command line, but I don't think anyone actually does that).  *So, are
> there add on apps that just let you right click or drag and drop songs
> to a play list?*  Perhaps just let me right click an song, hover over
> 'add to playlist' see a list of playlist and drop it on there and have
> it be added (like Jriver?)  
> As a last resort, I'm now building playlist in Jriver.  So easy!  You
> just select songs, right click and add them to and existing play list
> and then add/delete songs with ease.  You can even create new playlist
> from a group of songs with a few clicks.  The only drawback is that I
> can't see any songs in my playlist.  I opened Jriver, made a list,
> exported a standard .m3u file, went into squeezebox, scanned, then go to
> play list and see the list, but not the songs.  So I'm a little stuck. 
> I'm looking for advice on a simple way to:
> Create a playlist
> Delete songs
> Add songs
> Thanks in advance for any help!

Have you tried this:

LMS 7.9 on a Raspberry Pi 3/piCorePlayer 3.10, playlists and LMS cache
on a USB stick, 25K+ music library on a WD MyCloud network drive,
Rasberry Pi 2 > piCorePlayer 3.02 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 >
Raspberry Pi 3/piCorePlayer 3.10/HiFiBerry DAC+ > Cambridge Audio Minx 5
1 x Boom (dining room) - 1 x  Radio (garage) - 1 x Touch (display and
controller only) - 1 x SB3 (spare)
kidstypike's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10436
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107119

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