- Are other folk having issues with the latest 4.3 QNAP build?
- Are other people seeing it working ok?

Mine seems to work most of the time, but periodically the server is not
being found by (in particular) wifi controllers (the SB controller and
Ipeng), and I have to restart LMS.  I am able to access LMS via the web
interface, and it will play radio and files to wired players.

I have RPI's and Odroids, and I get that they work, but I also just want
to be able to use my existing QNAP infrastructure (which for a few years
has been rock solid).

Is it established that QNAP have in fact broken LMS in the latest QTS
build, and if so, is it know what the root issue is?

yeomanspc's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=249
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107336

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