Further reporting on the QTS4.3 issues with Logitech Media Server.

While searching for various cures, I have also upgraded to 7.9.1 via
SSOTS.  As suggested by Michael, it does not affect the issues raised
earlier.  After further testing of various functionalities, my
experience is as follows:

1.  Playback on the Squeezelite is fine after manually copying a few
files, based on post #8 here: 
http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?106851-LMS-X64-aware  I
tried a number of formats and all seem fine.

2.  I cannot get the Squeezelite to work as a DLNA renderer.  Server log
would show an error which typically looks like this:  0007: [17-04-30
14:10:26.2596] Slim::Player::Song:pen (409) Error: Couldn't create
command line for flc playback for
[upnp://xxx.xxx.x.xxx:9001/music/670350/download.flc]  LMS as a DLNA
server appears fine under DLNA controller to server to renderer setup.

3.  I also cannot get the DLNA/UPNP bridge plugin to work.  It worked
momentarily initially but broke down soon.

After some googling, it seems that all the issues should be SSOTS
related, but it's beyond me as to how it can be fixed.  If your QNAP
supports Docker virtualization (mine doesn't), you can get around it.  

I'm further posting my findings to hopefully find some hero who can tell
me that there is some quick fix to it, and to hopefully help other QNAP
users to at least get their LMS ecosystem back to playing music.


eduardoo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=25850
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107336

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