AFAICT It looks like it is a Linux specifc issue.  A kernel / driver
restriction. When playeraddr is used socket is bound to the specific
address /interface whereas when no playeraddr is supplied then default
is  INADDR_ANY.  In Linux a socket bound to a specific interface
does not receive Broadcast packet.   The rationale is that if you have
bound socket to a specific interface you don't want broadcasts. 

This does not seem to be a Windows restriction  and not sure about any
other OS such as OSX.

There are plenty of threads in various language about this but it
doesn't look promising. e.g.!topic/comp.lang.perl.misc/T_7TsEBGjSk

One thread even mentioned no solution if a bridge is controlling an
interface.  Another thought using promiscuous mode might fix it but I
don't think so.

The  simplest workaround would be for your players not to rely on
broadcasts but to have the LMS IP address setup manually as if on a
player is on a different LAN segment (e.g. Squeezelite -s parameter).

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