mherger wrote: 
> >      [17-10-14 19:42:04.7867] Slim::Player::Protocols::File::open
> (193) Error: could not seek to -1 for E:\MyMusic\ÀرT¨B\2001 - A
> BEST\CDImage.flac: Invalid argument
> Looks like yet another path encoding issue... the cue sheet is referring
> to a file it can't find because the encoding is wrong somewhere. What if
> you embedded the cue sheet in the file? Or simply split the flac
> file?...
> -- 
> Michael

Hi Michael,

The log is not UTF-8 encoded so you will see weird characters. The path
is correctly parsed by LMS. If the file is re-sampled to 96/24, the
problem went away. I replaced the flac.exe to the latest version but it
didn't help. There must be people playing 192k flac here, so I am
wondering if this is caused by my computer or anything. Mine is windows
10 x64 with latest LMS 7.9.1.


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