I've been watching this with interest, and waiting to jump in.  A few
- You mentioned that it will soon be added into the official app
  store.  Is that correct, and when is this likely?
- Does this run under QTS, or in a container?  I ask because I use
  MusicIP, and do not think that will run any more under QTS due to the
  64bit limitation.  I am reluctand to run any stablised apps like LMS
  under QTS because QNAP seem to have little care for backward
- Does this get around the SSL errors that seem to have come with
  QTS4.3.  I have not even tried to fix this because for the most part
  my currnt setup works, but if I ever use Spotty then I think I will
  have to sort it.

Right now, we run some Windows VMs, and I am seriously considering
chucking LMS back into that environment - at least it is stable and
insulated from QNAP breaking things .

yeomanspc's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=249
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