latest LMS nightly builds.

It's Genre-Album is my primary way of finding music in my 3300+ album music
collection. The normal Genre option sorts by Artist. With a bazillion
artists it's not practical to find anything browsing into Genre. Pondering
options, I found out how to use Advanced Search to display the album's in a
genre. I have to do a separate search for each genre, so it's cumbersome
though it does work.

But that lead me to think about the current Genre view. It shows a list of
the genre's and then in each are shown all artists in that genre, sorted.
This list has to be created by a database query. I know SQL would use
"order by <artist>" to do this. How hard would it be to modify the query to
"order by <album>"?

Seems like it should be rather easy ... literally change a single query
term. But WHERE is this query in the LMS code? And what is the syntax of
the DB code or keywords to do this?


Is there another option that does not require putting 3300+ little files in
every folder of my music library?

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