On Mon, 2018-09-03 at 21:22 +0000, bpa wrote:
> Can you check the plugin directoires.
> The directories LMS uses for plugins are listed in WebUI
Not on this install  -in fact 'locate' can't find any file or directory
with a name containing 'WebUI' anywhere the filing system. 

There is a /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Plugins directory but its empty

> Setting/Information at the bottom "Plugin Folder" - there will be a
> few path separated by a "," - one of the paths should be in a Cache
> directory.
No 'Plugin Folder' either.

> What's in the plugins directory that is in the main LMS code
> path  (i.e.
> the one with all the .pm files) ? Is the plugin directory
> permissions/privileges same as other LMS directories ?
Do you mean /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/Template/Plugin ? 
It contains:
Assert.pm      Date.pm      File.pm   Image.pm    Procedural.pm URL.pm
Autoformat.pm  DBI.pm       Filter.pm Iterator.pm Scalar.pm     View.pm
CGI.pm         Directory.pm Format.pm Math.pm     String.pm     Wrap.pm
Datafile.pm    Dumper.pm    HTML.pm   Pod.pm      Table.pm      XML

and XML contains DOM.pm  RSS.pm  Simple.pm  Style.pm  XPath.pm

FWIW this will have almost certainly been installed from an RPM.

Obviously something has gone badly wrong, so here's my next move:
- since this LMS install does everything I want except running the 
  3rd party plugin that should (allegedly) let me access Radio 4s
  catch-up collection of programs broadcast in the last week
  I'll leave this copy of LMS as it is

- meanwhile, I have another music collection that I need to catalogue
  without affecting my current artist/Album/track listings. So, I'll
  do a clean LMS install of a more recent 7.9.x RPM build on another
  machine (Lenovo R61i also running Fedora 28 x-64) to use for the
  cataloguing task and see what it can do when it comes to plugins.


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