Mnyb wrote: 
> Is this a playlist only problem can you add new albums do they show up
> .
> How to you setup LMS  ?
> Using the iTunes integration option .
> Or just piloting to the same directory of files that iTunes use .
> Search older treads if you use iTunes integration, there has been some
> trouble with some xml file tha iTunes stops updating for some reason ,
> but don’t know more as I’m not an iTunes user

stereoptic wrote: 
> In LMS, does "Settings>Basic Settings>Playlist Directory" reside in the
> same location that iTunes is writing to?  You could be updating the
> playlists in iTunes, but if LMS is looking in the wrong place, perhaps
> an older location, it won't see your updates.

I'm using the integration. I have tried entering the path to my iTunes
music files but it has made no difference to the issue. In the basic
setting you ask about, doesn't "saved playlists" refer to LMS playlists
and not iTunes ones?

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