Yes if its installed from QNap Club app store, you can not install it
But are you sure, the x86_64 will work?

But you could try it.
Logon with shh shell.
Do [ cd /share/*/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer ]
Then [ cp -RP SlimServer/Cache /share/*/Download/ ] , [ cp -RP
SlimServer/prefs /share/*/Download/ ] and [ cp -RP 
.MusicIP/.MusicMagic/ /share/*/Download/ ].

No uninstall it through the app center from QNap.
And then follow the steps to manually install the version you want.

Logon by ssh shell again.
And do [ cd /share/*/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer ], [
./ stop ]
Then [ rm -r SlimServer/Cache ], [ rm -r SlimServer/prefs ] and [ rm -r
.MusicIP/.MusicMagic/ ]
Now [ cp -RP /share/*/Download/prefs SlimServer/ ], [ cp -RP
/share/*/Download/Cache SlimServer/ ] and [ cp -RP
/share/*/Download/.MusicMagic .MusicIP/ ].
Very important [ chown -R squeezeboxserver SlimServer/ ] , [ chmod -R
0755 SlimServer/ ].

Now [ ./ restart.
And is no errors showup, its running with you're old settings !.

jasell wrote: 
> Hi,
> I had to install QLMS 2.02.02 manually since the donwload from QNAPclup
> App center fetched x86 version and not x86_64 version.
> When trying to download and install the new 2.02.03 version I now get a
> error msg that the name QLogitechMusicServer is occupied.
> I.E I cannot install beside the previous since it believe it is the
> same.
> So I assume I need to remove the old manually installed version.
> Before I do so I assume I need to rescue my settings and manually
> installed plugins.
> So what do I need to do getting the proper QLMS installation?
> -Stop QLMS
> -Copy the following to a safe place, like Public
> ...\Plugins
> ...\Cache 
> ...\prefs
> More folders??
> -Remove QLMS
> -Install QLMS from Appcenter
> -Stop QLMS
> -Copy above folders into the new installation
> -Start QLMS
> Did I miss any step?

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*
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