bpa wrote: 
> The change that is suggested by Michael means than for a plugin routine
> registered for trackinfohandler - the routine will now use the passed
> client ref to obtain the URL of the song that is being played by
> streamingcontroller as long as it exists otherwise it will use the
> passed URL, previously it always used the passed URL.  It seems your
> code is doing something similar.

It's not my code. Michael's change modifies
'Slim/Web/Pages/Trackinfo.pm', whereas the JSONRPC I'm using is handled
by 'Slim/Menu/Trackinfo.pm'. Perhaps a similar change needs to be made
there? i.e. to handle the case where the URL is no longer
opml.radiotime...  I just looked at the code in 'Slim/Menu/TrackInfo.pm'
and noted that if it does not receive a trackId but does receive a
playlist_index, then it obtains a URL itself. I'm not 100% certain this
(using the index) handles the case fully, hence thinking perhaps
Michael's change to  'Slim/Web/Pages/Trackinfo.pm' also needs to be
applied to 'Slim/Menu/Trackinfo.pm' ???

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