cpd73 wrote: 
> (I'ts -Slim/Menu/Trackinfo.pm- - no -Web-) As stated, it depends on how
> the API is called. This API can take a "track_id", "url", and
> "playlist_index". The "url" is used by the TuneIn side to detect if its
> a TuneIn URL. Initially the queue has the TuneIn URL, but at somepoint
> this is replaced with the station's URL. (As a TuenIn URL is a playlist
> file pointing to the real URL). So, if the controller caches the TuneIn
> URL and uses this, all is fine. If it passes (as the next Material
> version will) the "playlist_index" and does *not* pass "track_id" - then
> -Slim/Menu/Trackinfo.pm- will use this index to lookup the URL. This
> appears to work. Hence, I'm not sure a change needs to be made. But, as
> this API is not documented, I'm not sure of its usage.
> Looking at the JSONRPC docs in LMS, the "songinfo" section (which
> details what info a controller can retreive about a song) mentions:
> > 
  >   > 
  > Linfo_linkA custom link to use for trackinfo. Only available for certain 
online music services.
> > 
> So, it -could be- that Material needs to use this "info_link" as the
> streams URL when calling "trackinfo" If so, then this would (to me at
> least) be a more robust way of calling the API. (I dislike
> playlist_index due to the race condition of the queue changing between
> when the call was made and received by LMS - not likely, but not
> impossible). If this "info_link" *always* returns the TuneIn URL, even
> after the other URL has changes to the station's, then this would be
> the real fix.I will look forward to trying the next version of material. Then 
> all of
my interfaces will work [emoji3]

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