I'm thinking of taking Squeezebox Boom down to a holiday house - where I
don't have a system running LMS, but wondering what I'd actually be able
to do.

I do have Internet access via a Broadband Hotspot, but no PC systems
running LMS.

At home all my music and LMS is running on a Synology NAS box.

MySqueezebox connection seems restricted to Internet based music - not
sure if Spotty for Spotify would work though as it relies on LMS.

Apart from firing up a Raspberry Pi to run LMS on with an external USB
of music, any other ideas ?

There's no way to do a remote VPN Internet connection back to a home
LMS?  Probably too slow network anyway.

kidhazy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=42259
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