JohnB wrote: 
> Using the LMS browser interface - In Music Folders:
> If I click on the "Play" button, to the right of the cue file nothing
> happens.
> However, if I click *on* the cue file name all the "songs" in the cue
> file are displayed (on the left) and each one can be played, e.g.
> Gotcha ;), however playing using this method gives no artwork or
> metadata on any of my controllers (Orange Squeeze, Squeeze Ctrl,
> Raspberry Pi screen, etc..)
> 27946

|Filename: orsq.jpg                                                 |

*Server - LMS 7.9.2 *Pi4B 4GB/pCP 6.0.0 18K library, playlists & LMS
cache on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B+/pCP 5.0.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/jivelite,
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 5.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Boom
*Garage* - Pi3B/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/pCP 5.0.0 > Edifier R980T

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 6xRPi
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