BJW wrote: 
> Something else I've posted about in the past, is that LMS respects
> leading and trailing spaces.  So if u have any, in say the album artist
> field, album or disc # field, etc, could be the issue, assuming the
> behavior is the same.
> Also, I don't merge multidisc sets, bc I want to see one artwork per
> physical disc, and also bc I set RG on a per physical disc basis.
> If u have some albums that properly merge, and some that don't, try
> copying all the files for one that doesn't to a new single folder, and
> see if that one works.  If it does, I'm not sure tags are the issue... 
> (I also strip everything but id3v2.3 tags from mp3s, so no ape, lyrics,
> v1.x, etc)

Oh, I get that each person has their preference on handling albums like
this.  The reminder about leading and trailing spaces is huge.  That is
not easy to see either.

On stripping everything but the id3v2.3, that isn't always as easy as it
sounds.  mp3's shouldn't really have ape or other tag types besides id3,
so occasionally when they are there, software won't know it (usually
because something has gone corrupt).  Stripping some tags won't
necessarily strip all you want off.  The only solution in that (rare)
situation is to strip ALL tags off and then put back the id3v2.3 tags
onto the blank file.  MP3Tag allows this through proper settings for
cutting and pasting; I think I set it to copy only id3v2.3 tags then to
delete all tags:  (1) copy tags - puts 2.3 tags in clipboard, (2) delete
all tags - basically strips the full header for metadata, (3) paste tags
- puts the 2.3 tags that are in the clipboard back.  

I recommend having backups prior to starting this because accidents can
happen, and between (2) and (3) you are left with an untagged file.  

I'll note again, this is a rare situation, but when you feel like you've
covered almost every possibility without success, it may be one that

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