I'd like to report a bug: 
When using (I guess) the option "use hi precision clock" SoX gives an
error of "Invalid syntax of RATE command".
As an example with this command " [sox] -q -t flac - -t flac -b 24
—buffer 65536 —multi-threaded - gain -h rate -v -M -t -b 95 -f 352800
-D" the problem is the "-f" which i guess is related to "hi precision
clock", this option is not documented on sox documentation, removing it
will remove the syntax error too.

Second problem that I have is that while using pcm->dsd conversion works
flawlessy (adding fir convolution too); I really can't let pcm
upsampling work.

The options I use are: 

Enable seek: disable for everything.
Enable stdin: enabled for everything
Convert, resample, Addictional effets : enabled for everything
Automatic headroom: yes

Output format: wav

Only max sample rate selected, i want a fixed upsample to the max sample
rate, all other sr are disabled.
DSD: unselected
Target sample rate: closest supported
Quality: very high
Phase: intermediate
All the other options untouched


SPECIAL CASES: untouched

The resulting string is like this:

     [flac] -dcs --totally-silent $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - 
-t wav -b 16 --buffer 8192 - gain -h rate -q -M -b 90.7 96000 -D 


  MacBook-Pro-di-Simone:Desktop simonefilippini$ ./squeezelite-macOS -d 
debug=al-d all=debug
  [15:56:38.073204] stream_init:290 init stream
  [15:56:38.073443] stream_init:291 streambuf size: 2097152
  [15:56:38.073557] output_init_pa:403 init output
  [15:56:38.073569] output_init_pa:415 requested latency: 0
  [15:56:38.124117] output_init_common:346 outputbuf size: 3528000
  [15:56:38.124154] output_init_common:370 idle timeout: 0
  [15:56:38.178993] output_init_common:410 supported rates: 384000 352800 
192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100 32000 24000 22500 16000 12000 11025 8000
  [15:56:38.179011] _pa_open:248 opening device in PlayNice mode
  [15:56:38.181213] _pa_open:268 opened device 1 - Built-in Output at 44100 
latency 14 ms
  [15:56:38.181321] decode_init:129 init decode, include codecs:  exclude 
  [15:56:38.181363] register_dsd:906 using dsd to decode dsf,dff
  [15:56:38.181596] load_faad:592 dlerror: dlopen(libfaad.2.dylib, 2): image 
not found
  [15:56:38.182449] load_vorbis:300 loaded libvorbisfile.3.dylib
  [15:56:38.182459] register_vorbis:329 using vorbis to decode ogg
  [15:56:38.182890] load_flac:266 loaded libFLAC.8.dylib
  [15:56:38.182899] register_flac:294 using flac to decode flc
  [15:56:38.182902] register_pcm:424 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
  [15:56:38.184232] load_mad:383 loaded libmad.0.dylib
  [15:56:38.184242] register_mad:412 using mad to decode mp3
  [15:56:38.184399] discover_server:756 sending discovery
  [15:56:38.184743] discover_server:767 got response from:
  [15:56:38.184809] slimproto:849 connecting to
  [15:56:38.185094] slimproto:882 connected
  [15:56:38.185230] slimproto:893 local player
  [15:56:38.185238] sendHELO:124 mac: 6c:40:08:b2:24:b6
  [15:56:38.185243] sendHELO:126 cap: 
  [15:56:38.206965] process:494 strm
  [15:56:38.206983] process_strm:256 strm command q
  [15:56:38.206986] decode_flush:190 decode flush
  [15:56:38.206988] output_flush:423 flush output buffer
  [15:56:38.206991] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMf
  [15:56:38.207082] process:494 strm
  [15:56:38.207096] process_strm:256 strm command q
  [15:56:38.207101] decode_flush:190 decode flush
  [15:56:38.207104] output_flush:423 flush output buffer
  [15:56:38.207108] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMf
  [15:56:38.207199] process:494 setd
  [15:56:38.207252] process:494 setd
  [15:56:38.207320] process:494 aude
  [15:56:38.207331] process_aude:395 enable spdif: 1 dac: 1
  [15:56:38.207495] process:494 audg
  [15:56:38.207505] process_audg:413 audg gainL: 3840 gainR: 3840 adjust: 0
  [15:56:38.207510] set_volume:76 setting internal gain left: 65536 right: 65536
  [15:56:39.004355] process:494 strm
  [15:56:39.004385] process_strm:256 strm command t
  [15:56:39.004393] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
  [15:56:44.005101] process:494 strm
  [15:56:44.005133] process_strm:256 strm command t
  [15:56:44.005138] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
  [15:56:47.896569] process:494 strm
  [15:56:47.898981] process_strm:256 strm command q
  [15:56:47.899069] decode_flush:190 decode flush
  [15:56:47.899143] output_flush:423 flush output buffer
  [15:56:47.899396] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMf
  [15:56:47.921931] process:494 audg
  [15:56:47.922044] process_audg:413 audg gainL: 3840 gainR: 3840 adjust: 0
  [15:56:47.922096] set_volume:76 setting internal gain left: 65536 right: 65536
  [15:56:47.923751] process:494 strm
  [15:56:47.923890] process_strm:256 strm command s
  [15:56:47.923901] process_strm:325 strm s autostart: 1 transition period: 10 
transition type: 0 codec: p
  [15:56:47.923906] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMf
  [15:56:47.923947] codec_open:218 codec open: 'p'
  [15:56:47.923956] pcm_open:405 pcm size: 3 rate: 48000 chan: 2 bigendian: 0
  [15:56:47.923982] stream_sock:384 connecting to
  [15:56:47.924119] stream_sock:413 header: GET 
/stream.mp3?player=6c:40:08:b2:24:b6 HTTP/1.0
  [15:56:47.924127] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMc
  [15:56:47.924153] process_strm:357 set fade mode: 0
  [15:56:47.924178] process:494 audg
  [15:56:47.924183] process_audg:413 audg gainL: 3840 gainR: 3840 adjust: 0
  [15:56:47.924187] set_volume:76 setting internal gain left: 65536 right: 65536
  [15:56:47.990803] stream_thread:176 headers: len: 115
  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Server: Logitech Media Server (7.9.2 - 1568726655)
  Connection: close
  Content-Type: audio/L16
  [15:56:47.990886] sendRESP:202 RESP
  [15:56:48.051461] process:494 strm
  [15:56:48.051480] process_strm:256 strm command q
  [15:56:48.051483] decode_flush:190 decode flush
  [15:56:48.051485] output_flush:423 flush output buffer
  [15:56:48.051505] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMf
  [15:56:49.002636] process:494 strm
  [15:56:49.002667] process_strm:256 strm command t
  [15:56:49.002672] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt

No sound reproduced at all. The track start for 3 seconds and then
Tested on Linux, BSD, MacOS, same behaviour.
Using Squeezelite-R2 and modified SoX. Trying the exact same command on
SoX converting one file offline is working without any problem.
Squeezelite-R2 working for pcm-dsd conversione using C-3PO and
reproducing hi-res files without C-3PO too.

What am I missing?

|Filename: C-3po-log.txt                                            |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=30858|

Simonef's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67438
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=105309

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