The other day I was looking at what music I have in different genres.
While filtering I noticed some of the music digitized from LP (vinyl) or
cassette tapes didn't show up. These albums or tapes all have been
tagged with the appropriate genre, but they aren't listed under the
genre in LMS. 

The genre shows up in LMS, but the (vinyl/cassette ripped) music
assigned to the genre does not. Changing the genre of a song ripped from
a CD worked. It showed up under the genre in question. 

Each LP and cassette tape were digitized to single .wav files, split
into separate songs and then converted to .flac using EAC. Finally
Foobar 2000 was used to tag each album/song. The genres for some of the
music done this way works, but some don't.

I'm using LMS version 8 running on Windows 10. Any idea what might cause
this issue? Any idea where to start troubleshooting? 

I'm grateful for any help I can get.

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