I did not respond to this thread at first, because I did not recognize
that concerned a problem I've had. And I'm still not certain. So please
pardon me if I'm off base.

In the past, there have been times when the "now playing" icon (a pair
of beamed eighth notes or quavers in the default interface, a play
button in Material) consistently appeared on the wrong track in the
current playlist. It was consistently off by one, but I do not remember
if it was the previous track or the next track. I also do not remember
if the information in the player panel above the playlist was also
incorrect, although I think it was.

This has not happened recently and so far I have not been able to
reproduce it now. I don't know when this last happened, but it may have
been before I switched from LMS 7.9.2 to 8.

I used to assume that it was related to networking issues caused by my
use of powerline networking. The displacement sometimes occurred after a
brief interruption in playback, which I assumed was caused by some sort
of network problem. It would also sometimes occur after I paused
playback and then restarted it immediately.

Sorry that this is very vague, but I hope it may be worth reporting in
case it has any bearing on the current issue.

LMS 8 nightly; 3 Squeezelite players connected by powerline ethernet; 5
wireless players connected via Airplay Bridge; 1 SqueezeAmp player
no high-end or esoteric audio gear
1 Squeezebox Radio (upgraded UE Smart Radio) now mostly retired
RobbH's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67008
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