agbagb wrote: 
> This is the Server Log since the restart mentioned above (BTW, I can
> access those 2 "unavailable" repository directories direct in F'fox):

Why did you upgrade to 7.9.2 and not 7.9.3 ?  Missing out on very many
bug fixes - especially https ones.

7.9.2 - 2020 is just the build date - no significant code changes for
over 12 months. 7.9.3 has only had some bugs fixes in last 12 months.
8.* is where development is happening.

https is not a static feature - new versions of TLS have been deployed
since 7.9.2 and some sites only work with the latest.  Sites change over
to new versions of TLS overnight and so network failures can happen

It is hard to debug a system which uses old s/w.

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