tastewar wrote: 
> Thanks for both these ideas. I have no rules blocking traffic within my
> LAN, so that shouldn't be it. I will try the setup option -- once I find
> the/a remote that works... :-)

If it is isn't connecting it still is a UDP problem.
Ping uses a special IP packet format so ping working does not mean UDP

How is pcp/LMS connected to LAN - wired or wireless ?  If wireless make
sure router allows routing of broadcast/UDP packet between wired &
wireless devices.  It may be an advanced setting - some routers by
default disable this as a security measure against wardriving.

When player is plugged in -it broadcast a UDP packet to find all LMS
servers on the LAN. All LMS server which "hear" the broadcast - reply
with their IP address & LMS port.

Is the SLIMP3 on the same LAN segment as the LMS server ?  - UDP
broadcasts will not cross LAN segments

* Check LMS logging to see if UDP packets are arriving at LMS. 
With no other player having power  - enable network.protocol
network.protocol.slimp3 and network.protocol.slimproto to INFO
- with LMS up & running & power on the SliMP3.
- checklog for "HELO"or similar  packet from SLIMP3 

* if no SLIMP3packet in log - see if you can enable network interface
logging (and/or wireshark) in pcp and see iof UDP packets arriving at
interface ?  Again the only test is by powering on SlimP3 

If no broadcast UDP packets arriving at PCP - then problem is in the LAN
configuration and/or hardware setup - router, extenders, hubs, bridges

bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=112970

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