Yep. That works now. As a matter of fact   I had a messed up situations
because I was copying
my changes over the original installed LocalPlayer plugin, which was
locate under ./cache/...
I found some dead config bodies in the related config files. No surprise
it all had to be wiped out.  


Disabling the plugin >> updating the plugin code >> restarting the
server >> enabling the updated plugin 

seems to work for me.

Can't we write  all that down somewhere?


I have another question. (Slightly off topic) 

What's the workflow creating a zip from git for manual installation?  

Not all files from the git repo  land into the zip. And then sometimes
the zip s get restructured
E.g. on the LocalPlayer Plugin the binary locations get reorganized.

Ah binaries!?!?? ( Sorry for being slightly off topic here once more, 
it still affects the github handling and packaging of my 
updated and manually installed plugin)

E.g. The LocalPlayer plugin supplies it's own binaries. Where do you
folks keep the sources
respectively recipes to build them?? I havn't seen anything on the
LocalPlayer plugin over 
at the community plugin github page that refers to binary sources.

Thx again.

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