mherger wrote: 
> Did the scan complete correctly? Check your scanner.log.
> And make sure you exclude the "all tracks" or "downloaded tracks" or 
> similar playlists, as they can be huge.
> -- 
> Michael

Total Players Recognized: 1

Library Statistics
Total Tracks: 6,751
Total Albums: 1,355
Total Artists: 2,441
Total Genres: 161
Total Playlists: 0
Total Playing Time: 440:20:45

Media Scan Details
Building full text index   (7 of 7)   Complete  00:00:01

Find updated coverart files   (210 of 210)   Complete  00:00:00

Pre-caching Artwork   (4 of 4)   Complete  00:00:00

Database Optimize   (2 of 2)   Complete  00:00:00

The server has finished scanning your media library.
Total Time: 00:00:01 (Wednesday, November 25, 2020 / 12:24 PM)

Player Information
Information on all identified devices connected to Logitech Media

Squeezebox Touch
Player Model: Squeezebox Touch
Player Type: fab4
Firmware: 7.8.0-r16754
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:23:c3:0e
Wireless Signal Strength: 93%

note that no playlists are displaying now. Playlists say empty on the
web interface, all are still present in iTunes. 

here is the current scanner log

20-11-25 12:22:08.5654] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (709) Completed
dbOptimize Scan in 0 seconds.
[20-11-25 12:22:08.5761] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1266) Warning:
[12:22:08.5759] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at
line 1888
[20-11-25 12:22:08.5788] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1266) Warning:
[12:22:08.5787] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at
line 1888
[20-11-25 12:22:08.6376] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1266) Warning:
[12:22:08.6375] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at
line 1888
[20-11-25 12:23:06.5163] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1266) Warning:
[12:23:06.5162] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at
line 1888
[20-11-25 12:22:08.5760] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1266) Warning:
[12:22:08.5759] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at
line 1888
[20-11-25 12:22:08.5788] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1266) Warning:
[12:22:08.5787] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at
line 1888
[20-11-25 12:22:08.6375] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1266) Warning:
[12:22:08.6375] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at
line 1888
[20-11-25 12:23:06.5163] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1266) Warning:
[12:23:06.5162] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at
line 1888
[20-11-25 12:24:17.6615] main::main (206) Starting Logitech Media Server
scanner (v8.0.0, 1605892076, Fri Nov 20 21:24:10 CET 2020) perl
[20-11-25 12:24:18.0538] Carp::Clan::__ANON__ (216) Warning:
DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query returned more than one
row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is DEPRECATED for ->find and
->single at
line 1888
[20-11-25 12:24:18.0540] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2160) Warning:
Trying to commit transactions before DB is initialized!
[20-11-25 12:24:18.0612] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (577) Starting
Slim::Plugin::ExtendedBrowseModes::Libraries scan
[20-11-25 12:24:18.0613] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (577) Starting
Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin scan
[20-11-25 12:24:18.0616]
Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex (453) Starting
fulltext index build
[20-11-25 12:24:18.0616]
Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex (457) Initialize
fulltext table
[20-11-25 12:24:18.0711]
Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex (470) Create
fulltext index for tracks
[20-11-25 12:24:18.7784]
Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex (480) Create
fulltext index for albums
[20-11-25 12:24:19.0803]
Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex (489) Create
fulltext index for contributors
[20-11-25 12:24:19.0978]
Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex (499) Create
fulltext index for playlists
[20-11-25 12:24:19.1020]
Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex (514) Optimize
fulltext index
[20-11-25 12:24:19.1339]
Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin::_rebuildIndex (529) Fulltext index
build done!
[20-11-25 12:24:19.1340] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (709)
Completed Slim::Plugin::FullTextSearch::Plugin Scan in 1 seconds.
[20-11-25 12:24:19.1341] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (577) Starting
Slim::Plugin::OnlineLibrary::Importer::VirtualLibrariesCleanup scan
[20-11-25 12:24:19.1346] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (709)
Completed Slim::Plugin::OnlineLibrary::Importer::VirtualLibrariesCleanup
Scan in 0 seconds.
[20-11-25 12:24:19.1388] Slim::Music::Artwork::updateStandaloneArtwork
(234) Starting updateStandaloneArtwork for 210 albums
[20-11-25 12:24:19.6614] Slim::Music::Artwork::__ANON__ (349)
updateStandaloneArtwork finished in 0.520393848419189
[20-11-25 12:24:19.6635] Slim::Music::Artwork::precacheAllArtwork (659)
Starting precacheArtwork for 4 albums
[20-11-25 12:24:19.7224] Slim::Music::Artwork::__ANON__ (810)
precacheArtwork finished in 0.0568649768829346
[20-11-25 12:24:19.7225] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (709)
Completed precacheArtwork Scan in 0 seconds.
[20-11-25 12:24:19.7246] Slim::Music::Import::runScanPostProcessing
(479) Starting Database optimization.
[20-11-25 12:24:19.9504] Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (709)
Completed dbOptimize Scan in 0 seconds.
[20-11-25 12:24:20.0080] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1266) Warning:
[12:24:20.0078] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at
line 1888
[20-11-25 12:24:20.2546] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1266) Warning:
[12:24:20.2545] DBIx::Class::ResultSet::update_or_create(): Query
returned more than one row.  SQL that returns multiple rows is
DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single at
line 1888

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