> I also got the message that my Radios dont work with this version of LMS
> because they have outdated firmware. 
> Question: is it possible to reinsert my old SD card and use my old LMS
> again?

outdated firmware solution:

1. On RADIO itself, go to settings/advanced/applet installer, install
the applet "Patch Installer"
2. Once Patch installer is installed, then reboot radio, then go to: 
o*Settings > Advanced > Patch Installer*
(*Don't* go to Settings > Advanced > Applet Installer.)
3. on that Patch Installer menu, search and find:  "version comparison
fix" and install that patch. You may need to reboot radio afterwards.
Can't hurt anyhow.

and yes, just reinsert old SD card and you're back to where you were.

*Home:* VBA2.5 4TB -or- rPi4B/pCP6.1/4TB>LMS 8.0.x>Transporter, Touch,
Boom, Radio (all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B/pCP6.1/4TB>LMS 8.0.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom, Radio
w/Battery (ethernet except Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0, hifiberry Dac+Pro, 4TB USB (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dbpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes;
-Streaming:- Spotify
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