JG Naum wrote: 
> I tried to "switch off certificate verification on HTTPS connections."
> But it doesn't seems to solve the problem. 
> I also try to install 'Qnap Perl developper  library' but  doing that 
> broke access not only to the LMS web server but also to SSOTS. 
> Any idea ?

Sorry can't help to resolve this on SSOTS, I contacted the developer of
SSOTS back in April 2015 when the bash security issues were found and we
chatted about the possibility of updating SSOTS, he couldn't really help
as he had moved on from LMS and didn't have the build platform anymore,
we fudged around it, Ralphy built an updated version of bash and you
could manually "insert" that to resolve the bash vulnerabilities, but
there were other libraries in SSOTS that were out of date with
vulnerabilities as well, at that stage I moved over to RaspberryPi for
LMS, more secure, more recent and ongoing support, my QNAP still has all
my media files it just serves them across the network to the RPi and
players now... been rock sold since April 2015, using either Max2Play or
piCorePlayer for the server base install.

In the meantime forum member Digimaster developed a new QNAP LMS package
"QLogitechMediaServer" to run LMS directly on QNAPs with all the latest
libraries etc, here's the thread for it:


He's done a fantastic job and still actively supports this package, if
you have to use the QNAP for LMS I'd consider moving away from SSOTS
onto that.



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