erland wrote: 
> Michael recently added more of my plugins to the unsupported repository
> so if you activate use of unsupported extensions in LMS 8.1
> Settings/Plugins you should now be able to install the unsupported
> versions of:
> - Custom Browse
> - Custom Clock Helper
> - Custom Scan
> - Dynamic Playlist
> - SQL Playlist
> - TrackStat

I tried the 8.2-dev image but it doesn't have any unsupported plugins
except for Trackstat. (But no problem. I'm not in a hurry)

erland wrote: 
> Regarding TrackStat menu, it’s not related to any other plugin so i
> would expect it to show up and it sounds like it did for PasTim in the
> above post where he tested Multi Library and the other plugins. I think
> someone mentioned that TrackStat entry was missing in LMS
> Settings/Plugins if manually installed in 8.0 but I haven’t seen anyone
> indicating that the My Music/TrackStat menu were missing. 

It turns out that the Trackstat menu item is only displayed when a
player is connected to the server. I managed to make it visible by
starting the Squeezeelite-X player on my PC. (Playback on doesn't seem
to work with that software player, though)

erland wrote: 
> Regarding Dynamic Playlist/SQL Playlist plugins there is currently a
> known bug that they don’t include content from integrated streaming
> services in LMS 8.*. It’s not known yet if the problem is in the plugins
> or in LMS code.
> There is also a new Ratings Light plugin being developed that might be
> able to replace TrackStat usage for people interested in ratings
> functionality:

Good to know about that. (I don't quite understand the advantages over
Trackstat, though, except that it is more likely to be supported in the
future. I'm guessing that it's easier to write your own plugin than to
adopt someone else's?

erland wrote: 
> There might be some work going on to increase possibility to use custom
> tags in a new plugin that potentially can be a replacement for some
> Custom Scan users:

Also interesting. I don't quite understand yet how the tagging works in
practice, i.e. how I get the info from on the web into my LMS, but
that's just mig ignorance about music tagging. So far I have not even
cared enough to maintain consistent Genre tags (except for classical
music), but these extended tags sound interesting.

erland wrote: 
> I’ve currently got indications that a community member is interested to
> try to maintain Database Query plugin and TrackStat so these might
> appear again as officially supported plugins in the not too distant
> future. I wouldn’t expect them to get new functionality, but maybe they
> can at least be updated to work with new LMS releases.

That would obviously be great!

*Server*: LMS 7.9.3 on an Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine
*Players*: Radio, Touch, Duet (Receiver & Controller), 2 Booms
*Remote control apps*: SqueezePad (iOS), Squeezecontroller (Android)
*Important plugins*: Trackstat, Spicefly Sugarcube, Lazy Search Music,
Custom Browse, Multi Library, Material Skin
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