mherger wrote: 
> > Now, I see that the FreeType I loaded has a version mismatch.  So how
> do
> > I fix it?
> Either uninstall the version installed by the system, then compile "our"
> version from 
> Or remove CPAN/Font from the LMS installation (you'd have to do this 
> after each LMS update).

I just did the following:

cd /opt/logitechmediaserver/CPAN
mv Font Font.bak

Then restart LMS from SoA.  Viola, fonts displayed correctly again! 
Thanks for the help.

Is there any reason why the package is still using version 0.03 FreeType
fonts when 0.16 is the current one?

PS - I got SoA to work from scratch (ie: download SoA from git).  So my
SoA is now using the latest LMS 8.1.1 and the latest 1.9.8 Squeezelite.

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