Apesbrain wrote: 
> I don't think LMS has given me any problems with diacritics, but some
> other apps have.  If you can't solve it, here is a workaround:
> https://community.mp3tag.de/t/replace-diacritics-within-folder-names/51937/14?u=apesbrain
> Can you confirm the problem is specific to LMS and other Win 10 apps
> show the characters correctly?

Thanks.  Yeah, so far I've had to resort to using the $replace()
function in mp3tag convert > tag--to--filename.

I don't understand why LMS can't see those characters in folder/file
names but can in tags.

Also don't understand why Windows and every other app I've used (so far)
have no problem with those characters in folder/file names.

I'm wondering if it's because of some setting in LMS that I wrongly
configured in a past version (I've had many older versions on this PC)
that's causing this to stick around...

Any more suggestions from anyone?

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