I think I have figured out what triggers the disappearing playlist. It
occurs with a playlist that has greater than 2000 tracks in it. If the
playlist has 2000 or fewer tracks the playlist doesn't disappear but
with more than 2000 tracks the playlist disappears during a full rescan.
My suspicion is that the hardwired limit of 2000 in the
maxPlaylistLengthCB subroutine in Slim::Schema::RemoteTrack::init is
part of the problem but I don't know perl so I don't know how that is
being used. There is another bit of code which seems to set a maximum
playlist length of 2500.

If I change the 2000 to 5000 then my playlist with 4000+ tracks in it
won't disappear during a full rescan. That isn't likely to be the
solution but at least indicates it has an effect.

zeke1831's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=71469
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