@michael, would it be possible to somehow apply this lovely new
randomization to the CLI for ["playlist", "loadtracks"] ? 

In LMS, the concept of shuffle/random is (currently) a *player*-level
setting. If this CLI-construct is called for a player that currently has
shuffle disabled, the track order will always be the same - even when
loading 10K tracks that meet the loadtracks specifier. So asking
MediaServer to 'play some oldies' will always produce exactly the same
playlist (unless the player happens to have shuffle enabled). Boring :D

Any reason to not make the default behaviour of loadtracks randomized,
or else add an extra parameter for the call so that random or not can be
specified when loadtracks is called? 

I'd argue that using loadtracks is not the same as playing an album so
there should not be an automatic expectation of preserved order anyway.

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