@michael, would it be possible to somehow apply this lovely new
randomization to the CLI for ["playlist", "loadtracks"] ?


Any reason to not make the default behaviour of loadtracks randomized,

I'm an album listener. Isn't that reason enough? :-P

or else add an extra parameter for the call so that random or not can be
specified when loadtracks is called?

No particular reason but... too many things on the todo list! But hey! I'll happily review the pull request.

I'd argue that using loadtracks is not the same as playing an album so
there should not be an automatic expectation of preserved order anyway.

loadtracks is a command to play tracks. Whether these are a list of individual tracks, an album, a well curated playlist or whatever is not up to the command to assume. It should do what it's told to do: play the tracks it's given. You can always create the list of URLs on your end and send the command that list instead of an album ID or whatever.
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