StevePalmer wrote: 
> Yes, it's all a bit weird. Having read your original post on the
> subject, both of our issues seem identical. I know that if I clear all
> my preferences, that seems to solve it, but it's a right faff to have to
> then renable everything again. My bet is that it's one of my plugins,
> but currently, I don't have the time nor patience to disable/re-enable
> one-by-one to see which one is the culprit! 😉
> The only thing I know for sure is that it USED to be OK, but I can't
> recall when the issue first started.
> Gotta luv technology ehh???

Reporting back the following day, as promised, having left it for 24
hours. Unfortunately, no change and the dupes are still showing in SOME
Albums. Music Integration Plugin is OFF, so is Spotty. If I delete
everything and rescan, some Albums lose the dupes whilst others start to
show them.

Clean out of ideas now! :(


|Filename: dupes001.png                                             |

Kettering, UK
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