bpa wrote: 
> LMS has added https support and realistically LMS 8.1 and higher is
> required for modern services & plugins.
> To use LMS 8.* IO::SOCKET::SSL  requires version 2.06 and this in turn
> requires Openssl of version 1.1.* - these are all layered on the
> underlying OS.
> If the underlying OS is "Old" (maybe more than 18 months) then support
> for openssl and IO::Socket::SSL will not be adequate.[/url]

Thanks a lot for your suggestions. I'm running LMS 8.2.0 (latest nightly
release, Logitech Media Server: Unix Tarball (i386, x86_64, i386
FreeBSD, ARM EABI, PowerPC from
on latest QNAP OS. So there is nothing I could do to be more up-to-date
with these binaries.

Docker is a completely new territory for me and I feel like I have to
accept the fact I cannot use any of the latest plugins for LMS. Could be
worse. Thanks again.

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