Sorry for the late response; I have a family member in the hospital so
was dealing with that for a few days. I'm not sure how to tell you what
version I have installed, in the LMS interface is just says
"Squeezelite" and I don't see a version number. It installed
automatically with the Local Player plug-in. If you can tell me how to
figure it out I'll let you know!

It's the oddest thing as it'll work for a couple of days, then will take
a spell of crashing and usually crash several times within a single day,
then stable again for a longer period of time. I can't help thinking it
must be related to something else going on on the machine but I can't
find it. It's a dedicated machine running Windows 7 and doing literally
nothing other than running LMS and other audio processing software (it's
driving an online station).

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