bpa wrote: 
> Same network means - all on same LAN segment (i.e. same address mask). 
> For completeness, some switches can do VLAN and so devices can appear to
> be on a different LAN segments but you haven't done anything like this.
> I presume you are using DHCP to let Linksys equipment allocate IP
> addresses.
> Discovery is done using Broadcast UDP packets. 
> The broadcast only happens when a player is rebooted/powered up .  
> Make sure Linksys is setup to allow this.

Everything is 192.168.1.something.
I haven't done anything fancy to separate into segments. But the network
is maybe a little more complicated... the Linksys is just wi-fi. There's
a Vodafone router (with wifi disabled), then a switch, then the first
linksys mesh device. So maybe the vodafone and linksys are getting in
each other's way?

In general, yes I use DHCP. But for the NAS, I did use the NAS's own
network settings to choose a static IP within the 192.168.1.xxx range. I
did this because I access it by IP, and want to be confident it'll stay
where it is.

I think I had assumed discovery was the other way - players discovering
LMS on local network. But the way you're describing it, it sounds like
it's actually the other way around. So maybe I didn't reboot things in
the right order.

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